Monday, December 8, 2014

Jonáš Gruska "Nočné oscilácie pre jedného" (LOM)

On each of these four songs by Jonáš Gruska there is a distinct connection in the way that the songs are structured, yet they each have their own sound as well.    It reminds me of what would happen if an artist took a song like "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and played it on a guitar, then on a violin and so on with other string instruments.    They are all connected, yet they are not all the same.

The first track has these beeping whirrs to start things off and it sounds like the changing of frequencies.    This goes into a looping pattern which comes out with a kind of pinball game noise to it as well.    If I was listening to this on cassette or somehow not paying as close attention to Windows Media Player, I'd still hear the distinction into the second, quieter track whih is comprised more of blips and clicks like the drum machine of Phil Collins

As the second track grows in volume and tempo it gives way to the sound of glasses, really glass bottles being played as musical instruments.    We end with beeping, much like a hospital machine, which delivers sonic whirrs behind it and it almost has a sound where it could be in space.

There is guitar feedback almost out of nowhere, yet it flows so smoothly still, and then it turns into that hum of a drone and I feel that should be how it ends, as it would fade out as such but instead it gets this one last whoosh to lift us up before the end.    It's the sound of a toy whistle, maybe even a kazoo but in an electric sense.

The only way to get this cassette now is second hand but if I happen to see it out there in the cassette world I would be eager to try and get my hands on it.    Until then all we can really do is continue to download and listen to it from the Bandcamp page and then hope that one day maybe it will be pressed again.

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